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Skier Carson McCarron Wins GoPro Award by Sending “Air Jordan” Backward

There are "oh sh*t" moments, and there's this.

Skiing person Carson McCarron found himself in a bit of a pickle a few weeks back-- a pickle that, after stomping an accidental, fakie cliff drop on Whistler's legendary "Air Jordan", left him with $1,000 cash and a GoPro Snow Award under his belt. Not bad for a day's work. It's hard to say where Carson's head was at just dropping into this. In these conditions, the was hairy, to say the least, with a mandatory rock section to gouge up your skis with before sizing up the main event: a meaty, three band cliff drop. Quite happily, Carson made it out of this one safe and sound. Any guesses as to what he'll use that $1000 for? 

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